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Thursday, October 09, 2008



Congrats to the two lucky winners. Stampers if you don't like the stamps....let me know will take them off your hands. (teehee):)


No Way--this has to be my week-first I won the stamp on Lee Anne's site, and now this!?
Off to buy a lottery ticket! Tracy


Congratulations to both the winners!!! Ladies enjoy your Saltbox stamps!

And a BIG congratulations to Hailey for her part in the Nutcracker!!! WAY TO GO!!!

Lori Barnett

Yippee for you daughter on the Nutcracker stuff!! And congrats to the Saltbox winners -- lot of lucky girls here :)

Kim Raymundo

Congrats, Monica and Tracy! Hope you enjoy your new stamps! Hey Tracy, can you buy ME a lottery ticket? Just Kidding! Kim :o)

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