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Wednesday, December 24, 2008



Thanks so much for the fabulous creative and super inspiring advent boxes. I really enjoyed everyone. Merry Christmas!

Cheryl McKinney

I'm new to A Muse, and I LOVE what I see!! I'm excited for 2009 to be creative with A Muse's stamps. I espcially like the Oval
Dot and I can imagine all of the ways I can use it for cards and scrapbooking for every occasion and need. Thanks for a wonderfully stimulating blog!!!!!


thanx for posting the advent box wrapup - it's much appreciated to have 'em all in one posting!


What a great advent idea. I've loved seeing what all the designers did with "my" boxes. So creative and fun! Merry Christmas!

Sharon Knitter

This has been an amazing project! I may have missed it, but how are the boxes all put together?

Rebekah at EAD

Delurking to say Merry Christmas!


I love all the amuse stamps I have. I recently purchased "owl buddies" it's quickly becoming my favorite! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! I enjoy your blog!

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