The A Muse Instructor Team has some fun August classes coming up and this month we thought we'd try something new! Instructors who are teaching in August are noted by a pink marker on this map. Just click on the marker to see the instructor who is teaching in your area along with a link to their class schedule.
View A Muse Instructors in a larger map
Instructors not teaching in August have blue markers, but keep an eye on them for classes in future months! Please note that this map is not intended to provide directions. The markers denote only the state and general area where each instructor typically teaches. Click and drag the map to reposition it as desired or use the arrow buttons in the upper left corner of the map. And just below those arrows are the "+" and "-" buttons which you can use to zoom in or out. Click on the "View A Muse Instructors in a larger map" link just below the map to see it larger.
You know... I see a major problem with your map. Alaska isn't on it! Yes, I know we call you all the "lower 48" and "outside", but even though we aren't part of the "continental" US, we are still a state... the 49th to be exact!
We've been a state longer than those silly islands out in the middle of the Pacific.
And... shhhh... don't tell anyone... we like to STAMP up here! Yep! Get's us through the long dark winter. But no one ever come up near us to do super cool classes. Help us out and send someone to visit us! I know lots of A Muse addicts... You can get us even more hooked... ;) ;) ;)
Posted by: Devon | Saturday, July 25, 2009 at 01:10 AM
Love the map, Emily. It's very informative and fun!
Posted by: Debbie | Saturday, July 25, 2009 at 04:34 PM