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Thursday, April 15, 2010


Jo Ann

those are so cool!


What a great trick!

Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
party inspiration

Lori Barnett

Great job girls!! Maybe they would look cute on the top of a pencil too :) Linda...did you make one for yourself ;)


Super fun, for sure! I'm going to try these this summer.


Linda, this is gorgeous! What little girl wouldn't want a fairy wand like this?!

Krystie Lee

These are super adorable!!! I'm SO making these for gift toppers!

Kim Brewer

Beyond cute and simple! I am a girl scout leader of 11 2nd and 3rd graders and they will LOVE THIS! Thank you for sharing!


How cool, or should I say Hot is this!! LOL thanks so much for sharing!!


Years and years ago I tacked these ribbons onto a turtleneck using a washable glue for my daughter. We used bright colored ribbons on a white turtleneck and they radiated out from the neckline. It was adorable!


Wonderful ! Thank for the 'tutorial'

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