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Sunday, September 12, 2010



My heart goes out to Amanda and her family. I cannot imagine that loss. Charley is a beautiful little girl.


What beautiful pictures of a beautiful little girl. Amanda and family, my heart is sad for you and the loss you have suffered. I'm so honored to be a part of this project and hope that all our A Muse friends will step up and purchase their calendars to help touch the lives of others, which I'm sure, is exactly what Charley would have wanted. Peace be with you....my deepest sympathies.


I cannot think of any better cause, my heart felt prayers go to Amanda's family, along with my awe that even though they are dealing with such a terrible loss they can think of others by setting up this fund in her memory.


My heart just broke reading this post. What a strong family. My thoughts and prayers are with them. To be able to support this cause buy purchasing a calendar, or two, I'm there. Thank you for letting us be apart of it.

Stephanie Jones

I didn't know. This was one of the very first blogs I ever started reading when I started stamping a few years ago. I'm so sorry to hear. My son is 8 and strep goes through the school twice a year. I can't imagine. My heart breaks thinking of your loss.


Such a sweet cause! My heart aches for Amanda and her family.

Tobey S.

OH what a sweet soul.....a beautiful little girl from the inside out....to lose a child, so young makes my heart ache for her family and friends. I can't wait to download my calendars to support this wonderful tribute to Charley.

Shannan Teubner

My favorite time of year, and I can't wait to help this great cause :)


Ohhhh Linda this is a wonderful tribute for Charley. I've followed this since it happened and I am deeply touched by A Muse's support to such a great cause. I do know Amanda, our passion for A Muse brought us together through blogland. While we've never met I know what kind of person she is just from the random acts of kindness she had bestowed upon me. My heart goes out to her and her family as they go through the unthinkable.
Thanks again to A Muse for bringing light to Charley's Fund!



What a wonderful cause; what a tragic loss. Charley's pictures are so beautiful. I am so sorry for the brother, sister, parents she left behind. It would be an honor to support this great tribute to Charley!

Eileen Kocum

This has to be hardest thing a parent has to face, but thank you for letting us be part of the healing process for Charley's family.
I love making these calendars for my family and friends. With all the wonderful inspirations I can make calendars that everyone enjoys.
God bless her family and you all.

Gwen Bunnell

I just read this today, and it makes my heart hurt to hear about this tragedy. My love, prayers, and sympathy go out to Charlie's family. I will order my calendars today, to help with this truly worthwhile cause.

Connie Heitner

I was so shocked to hear of Amanda's loss. I read her blog in the past but hadn't read it in quite awhile. Loved hearing of their adventures. Charley was the cutest little girl. Of course I will contribute to this wonderful cause. Saying prayers for her family.

Joanne Beck

They arrived today and I can't wait to use them. Wonderful charity and our heart goes out to her family.

Sallie alston

I don't know the family but want one just because it would b honoring Charley . The yellow swing just hit my heart. What a sweet thing to do.

linda beyer

i will be buying some calendars. probably all of them. i just have to wait until the 15th when my ss comes. my prayers go out to all the family. god bless.

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