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Thursday, February 19, 2009



I love the new April Banner set so I would say that is my current fav! There are just so many possibilities with it!


I love the Americana set. It's so much fun to design Americana birthday cards!!

Anna Wight (SweetMissDaisy)

I have THREE favorite Saltbox sets! Winter Wonders (LOVE the overall snowman the most!!) Farm friends and Hen & Chicks are my other two fav's. They fit right in, here on the farm! =) -Anna.


Mine is the simplicity set! It's on my buy list for the next time I can squeak out a few more stamps!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Christina Slaton

I would say the Farm Friends are my favorite but seeing the new April Banner might sway me.

Amy L. Weber

I like the May banner set (it's the bees!) and the Simplicity set. Thanks for the chance!


I love the Tweet Saltbox Set!

Chris Hauck

I would have to say that the fences set would be my favorite. I love all the different types all in one package.

Karen M.

I've always loved the Hen and Chicks set.


Such a cute set for Spring and Easter! I have always liked the Sheep Set!

krystie lee

I love, love, love February banner!


I've always liked the Kid's Table set, but I also really like the Fences because you can use them on so many cards.

Elena's card was very cute and I like how she extended the line of carrots.


My favourite is farm friends. Perfect for any occassion. The cross-stitch is just as cute as the card = )

Eraina Ortega

I love the May Banner with the bees knees.

Carrie C

Gotta love 'em all, but if I had to choose, I guess I'd choose A Basket Celebration set.


Beautiful cards. That is a very very hard question you are asking. I love them all, but since I want to be one of the lucky winners, I'll answer the question. LOL
I really live the Candle Glow Set. Thanks for a chance at this sweet giveaway.

Heather Freeman

I have to say the sheep set is my fave. I'm a big knitter, too, so when I make any handknit gifts, I like to use the different sheep stamps for tags and cards!


Tweets Set..but I'll take them all!

Antonella Bartel

It's hard to pick just one ... but I would say the Joy to the World set.


I would have to pick the brrr set.

Ann I.

I like the Simplicity set and the Candle Glow set. But all the sets are adorable!


I love the Sheep Set...so cute. :)


Farm friends is my favorite.

Donna Hitz

Sheep Set is very cute. Americana is good too...Cute card!

Lorraine (Australia)

The "Sheep Set" is great but of course I would have to say that the "Sheep Sayings Set" would have to go with it - don't you agree.


How can anybody chose just one??? They are all so amazing!
This Gardening Time is lovely, but my absolutely fav is May with the beens!
Thanks for the opportunity to win a great stamp set!!


I just love this set!! Makes me want spring to get here fast!!


I love the fences and the hen and chicks set.


Love the sample cards. My favorite Saltbox Studio set is Holiday Lights. The Holidays are all about candles, so this just fits perfectly. Thank you for the fun chance to win!!

CJ Maxwell

To be honest, I'm not too familiar with the Saltbox Studio sets but I did click onto the link provided.....they are all very cute. The mice are adorable!

Sharon Knitter

I LOVE the Tweets and the birdhouses that go with the Tweets!


My favorite set is the candle glow companion set. Love all the sentiments!

Rachel V.

I love the Tweets and the Tweet companion set! (How could I not love a sentiment with the word "porch" in it?)

Thanks for the chance to win this adorable April banner set!


I like the Banner Year set the best.

Michele Huey

great card that elena made...I just love her style! Hmmm...my favorite saltbox set is the celebrations sayings set.

thanks.....michele h...

Gail Hermann

I love them all,but I would have to say the Febraury Banner set is my favorite. TFS!!!

Claudia F.

I like the Celebration Companion set, it would make such great cards.
[email protected]

Peggy M

Picking one as a favorite was hard.. but I love the April Banner Set. I think there's so much I can do with that set. Thanks for doing the give-away!!


Love this card! Think my favorite would have to be the Simplicity Set.

Shannon C

So super cute. I love so many but I would have to say that my favorite (right now) is the Tweet-house set.


I am such a chicken fan so I really like the hens and chicks set. So cute!


My fave is sheep set. I Love the card and the cross stitch. Thank you for sharing!


The Sheep Set is my favorite so far, but I just love this April Banner set! Thanks!


I like them all, but my favorite is the hens and chicks set...must be the farm girl in me!


Oh, if I have to pick one, I'd have to say the Candle Glow set. . . love that little mouse ;) The banner sets are all adorable ~ I'd love the April banner!!


Ohh that's a tough one. There a a bunch of sets I don't have still. I really like the sheep set! Thanks a for a chance to win!!!

Stefanie Rico

That's a hard one but I have to say sheep win every time!


Well i have so many, it's hard to pick just one! But if I have to, I'd say the Candle Glow set, because it's very versatile - lots of holiday usage and for more "spa" themed ones too. Hopefully I'm lucky to win!

Mary Ann

My favorite is A Basket Celebration. There's a basket for many different occasions and seasons. I'm a basket collector so this really is perfect for me. But love all the other sets, too!

Kerry from PA

I don't own any (yet, hopefully this drawing will remedy that) but I think the church mice and light of the world sets would be my favorites.

Kim Ross

They're all so cute! My favorite is the Sheep Set. I have a little "thing" for sheep, so it's fun to have a whole set dedicated to them. :) Thanks for the chance to win!


Hard to just pick one :) The may banner set with the bees...OH just tooooo cute!!!


I agree that there are so many great sets. I'm going to pick the Give Thanks set because I love the sentiment about a grateful heart! Thanks for giving us this chance to win.


This was hard - but methinks it's A basket celebration set! I'd love to see the bunny riding a hot rod shaped like a carrot for a stamp ... AND a cross stitch pattern! hint, hint!

Chris R. from Iowa

Oh boy, a toughie - I LOVE the Deck the Halls Set with the Deck the Door Set - both are on my WANT IT list. But, also A Basket Celebration is right up there too. But, for fun, I love the Hens and Chick set. Actually I really love this whole line! All seem to be to my liking - simple gorgeous stuff!!!! Thanks for a chance to win!


My fave has to be the Winter wonders stamp! The snowmen are so cute and are so great for winter AND holiday cards!!!


My fav is the Pumpkin Oak set. Love that tall pumpkin and the little tiny pumpkin with the gnarly stem. Too cute!


It's so hard to pick just one when they are all so cute. But if I had to it would be the Tweets set, Birds are definitely in style these days.

Joanne Lerer

My favorite is the Saltbox Sheep set


Hands down, Holiday Lights do it for me!


I really love the Deck the halls set. It's so versatile during the holidays =) Thanks for doing this give away!!!


It's tough to pick just one set - they're all special! But I think I have to go with Tweethouses. So much you can do with them!

Denise M.

My favorite is the sheep set and the sayings that go with it! I have used it for so many different types of cards and projects!


I love the Pumpkin Oak set. I am a sucker for pumpkins!


I love all the salt box studio and plan on collecting them all. My current favorite is winter wonders.


They have such cute sets, but I think my favorite is the Candle Glow set. I just love that little mouse peeking out from behind the candle. Cute!!!

Dana Klinkner

I love the Sheep Sayings set - it has the best sayings to go with the sheep stamps - so cute! Thanks for the fun give-away. :)


What a ding dang darling set.


I love them all but the pumpkin oaks is up there on the list!

joy aka daiseyfreak

my favorite is the Candle Glow set, love that lil mouse!

Pam L.

My favorite set is Tweets Set. It reminds me of my grandmother's garden that had a birdbath in it. I used to love watching the birds go in it and ruffle their feathers in the water.

Vicky Sitterly

Oh, I love the April Banner Set.....and the February Banner Set.......I think I love them ALL!!

Kelly Braund

I love the tweets set

Susan Lanthrip

One of my favorites is Give Thanks. THanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year.

Jean in NH

Oh gosh - that Mama Mouse set is just so sweet!

Jen o.

They are all so cute! I like the whole Banner Year Set with the stake and the flag, so versatile!

jules p

celebrations saying set is one of my favorites. that was hard to tell you just one. they are all delicious!

Allison A.

I do love them all, but my favorite is the Sheep Set - just soooo cute!!!


Adorable :)

Hmmmm this is very hard...but my top pick would be
Winter Wonders....


Hands down it's Farm Friends... I love that cow!!


The Basket set is my fav!

Jennifer Moore

My favorite is the little mouse with a balloon in the Celebrations set.


Oh...I love the tweets set!! Thanks!


My favorite Saltbox set is the Holiday Lights Set.


it's so hard to pick just one but I am going to have to go with Deck the Door. Thanks so much for the chance to enter!


Hi, ty for the chance! I luv em all, but fav's would be: Tweets, Deck the Halls and the Sheep set...so hard to pick 3! I like your blog and spread the word...ty for sharing. Cher

[email protected]


Oh, I love the one with the mouse holding the cupcake. Of course, the part that tops it off is the saying, "Stud Muffin" that goes with it!

Laura F

I simply LOVE the pumpkin oak set. It colors so beautiful!


My fav. set is the Basket Celebration Set!!

Louise Glynn

It's really hard to pick but my favorite would be the basket set because it is so versatile.


I like the Hen & Chicks set but the Tweets set is up there too....So cute!

Sue Broadley

The Tweets Set is darling...I love the eggs in the nest and hope of new life it represents!


It's so fun to see the same design interpreted both in stamping and cross stitch -two of my favorite hobbies. I've collected bunny items for years, so the April Banner set is certainly a favorite of mine, along with the Americana set... that angel just has so much Character.

Thanks for the opportunity to win a stamp set!


I would love to own the February Banner set. It is my favorite out of any of the sets.

(That ice cream swirl cone is a must have tho.)

Laura Lindal

I don't see my favorite set listed... it's a Valentine set called Dino clear set. I has six main stamps with sayings, one is a train that says I choo choose you! So cute!!!


I love the banner year set, but each of the sets have unique designs.


celebraton sayings set


Hi...have a few favorites but I would have to say my all time favorite is the Holiday Lights set.

Barb Nelson

My favorite is the Sheep set (the knitter in me just giggles every time I see it!)

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